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Our Work

1. Enable Education through Employment


Our Mama Wimbi Project, empowers families to pay school fees, despite massive unemployment and unusual lack of free education. We hope to expand the project to cover rents, as production move in the direction of schoolbag manufacture.


2. Facilitate Direct Aid


Our website helps potential sponsors find people

in genuine need of a hand up for education, medical aid, shelter or micro-finance. 


3. Build Capacity for Independence and Contribution


We cultivate skills, attitudes and knowledge for action which is focused, collaborative, and ethical. We teach internet and banking skills, business planning, languages and, soon, e-commerce .

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Mama Wimbi Buntings

Have something to celebrate?

Something that deserves attention?

Mama Wimbi buntings are 5 metres of handcrafted goodness!


Each one offers five different colourful African fabrics, made double thickness, for indoor or outdoor use.

The unit price is just $25 Australian, with a 20% discount for resellers.

All proceeds are paid directly to schools, to pay the teachers, so children can enjoy their fundamental human right to education.

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